PRecise Speaks At “Let’s Stop HIV Together” PACT Ambassador Meeting

President and CEO Alexis Davis Smith and Digital Strategist Jasmin Rivers were invited to moderate and present, respectively, informational workshops at the 2024 “Let’s Stop HIV Together” PACT Ambassador Meeting held recently at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta.

CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together aims to empower communities, partners, and health care providers to reduce HIV stigma and promote HIV testingprevention, and treatment. (Source: The spring meeting was designed to provide program partners with information, tools and tips to continue their work to fight HIV.

Jasmin led a session exploring how members can utilize digital advertising to help boost program awareness and increase HIV screening, promote prevention strategies for patients at risk, and improve patient care through treatment and viral suppression. Tips included how to maximize budgets, leverage partnerships, experimenting with new formats and scheduling to reach goals. Later in the day, Alexis moderated a panel, “Narrative Change: Destigmatizing Storytelling by Creating Safe and Ethical Spaces”, featuring subject matter experts. 


Both sessions received positive feedback. We thank agency partner Westat for the invitation.